St. Demetrios Alumni Association Bylaws
The St. Demetrios Alumni Association was established for the purpose of creating a sense of community and continuity between St. Demetrios Parochial School of Astoria and its alumni, providing support and guidance for the advancement of the scholastic foals of St. Demetrios.
Article I- Membership
Section 1- Membership may be held in one of the following classes:
a. General
1. A graduate of St. Demetrios School
2. Attendance at St. Demetrios School for (4) or more years
3. Attendance at St. Demetrios School for less than four (4) years with sponsorship by a General Member and special review
4. 18 years or older
General membership entitles one to vote, hold Executive Committee office and provides all other rights and privileges approved by the Bylaws
b. Educator
1. Taught at least one (1) full- time year at St. Demetrios School
Educator Membership entitles one to attend meetings and participate in the Organization’s events, but excludes the rights to vote or hold office
c. Scholastic
1. Less than 18 years of age
2. Meets one of the criteria for General Membership
Scholastic Membership entitles one to attend meetings and participate in the Organization’s events, but excludes the rights to vote or hold office
d. Honorary
1. Selected by the Executive Committee and approved by the General Membership
Honorary Membership entitles one to attend meetings and participate in the Organization’s events, but excludes the rights to vote or hold office
Section II- Dues
a. The dues payable for the following fiscal year by each class of membership shall be established at the annual meeting. The fiscal year is hereby established as being the calendar year
b. Dues shall be invoiced to the membership during the last ninety (90) days preceding the new fiscal year
c. Dues shall be payable prior to the commencement of the new fiscal year. Failure to do so will cause the Member to be considered not in good standing. Such status serves to suspend all of the rights and privileges of the Member. Payment of the delinquent dues, plus penalties if any, will reinstate the Member’s status as being in good standing.
d. Failure to pay dues for two (2) fiscal years shall cause the Member to be dropped from the Organization’s active status rolls
e. The General Members shall be able to modify the dues structure for the upcoming fiscal year at the annual meeting. Likewise, they may impose initiation fees, and/or penalty fees
f. The dues structure as of the 1990 Fiscal year shall be as follows
Article II- Assembly
Section 1- Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting shall be held during the month of November for the purpose of electing Executive Officers for the upcoming fiscal year, and for such other purposes as may be decided by the Board of Directors.
Section 2- General Business Meetings
General Business Meetings shall be held as often as the Board of Directors shall decide. A General Business Meeting must also be held if at least twelve (12) General Members in good standing petition the Board of Directors to call such a meeting. The agenda for these meetings shall be established by the Board of Directors, or the objective of the petition, as the case may be.
Section 3- Notice
Each Member in good standing shall be notified of the date of each meeting at least twenty-one (21) days in advance by regular postal service mail
Section 4- Location
Each meeting shall be held, if possible, at St. Demetrios School, or at such other convenient location as the Board of Directors is reasonably able to obtain.
Section 5- Quorum
The greater of ten (10%) percent of the total General Membership in good standing of 20 General Members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of conducting a meeting. There shall be no voting by proxy or representative.
Article III- Board of Directors
Section 1- Composition
The Board of Directors shall consist of seven (7) General Members, who have been in good standing for at least the last two (2) fiscal years. The management of the affairs of the organization shall be vested solely in the Board of Directors, as controlled by these Bylaws and approved by General Membership. No General Member may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same position on the Board of Directors
Section 2- Elections
The Board of Directors shall be elected each fiscal yea at the Annual Meeting. Their term shall be for one (1) year, or until their successors are elected and qualified
Section 3- Officers
President=The President shall preside at all meetings of the Organization, of the Board of Directors, and represent the Organization as the Organization’s official representative
Vice President=The Vice President shall have and exercise the duties of the President whenever the President is absent or unable to act
Recording Secretary=The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the Organization, including all meetings of the Membership and the Board of Directors. The Recording Secretary shall make all reports prescribed by the Board of Directors
Corresponding Secretary=The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct such correspondence as may be required or directed by the Board of Directors
Treasurer=The Treasurer shall receive all monies and issue receipts therefor. A detailed accounting shall be kept of all receipts and expenditures. The treasurer shall render a complete financial accounting at the Annual Meeting, or whenever called upon by the Board of Directors. All disbursements of the funds of the Organization shall be made by check, signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or Vice President
Director=A total of two (2) Directors shall also be elected. In addition to participating in the policy making process of the Organization, each Director shall be expected to back-up the other members of the Board of Directors
Section 4- Vacancies
Any vacancy in the Board of Directors, caused by reason of death, resignation, removal or refusal to serve shall be filled by a candidate(s) selected at a meeting of the Board of Directors. A quorum shall be considered at least (4) members of the Board of Directors.
Article IV- Committees
Section 1- Such Committee(s) as the Board of Directors shall deem necessary for the proper and efficient functioning of the Organization shall be created at the direction of the Board of Directors. The specific goals and objectives of each Committee shall be established by the Board of Directors. The number of positions on each such Committee created shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors, who will make the appropriate appointments to fill each position created.
Section 2- All appointed Committees shall serve for the term established by the Board of Directors, as such term may be amended from time to time.
Article V- Miscellaneous
Section 1- Amendments
Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by the Board of Directors, or any ten (10) General Members. The proposal of an amendment shall be in writing and must be served upon the Recording Secretary at least thirty (30) days before any Annual or General Business Meeting. The Recording Secretary shall cause the proposed amendment to be circulated to the General Membership in accordance with the notice provisions for meetings. A majority affirmative vote of the General Members present and eligible to vote at the meeting shall be required to approve an amendment to the Bylaws
Section 2- Parliamentary Procedure
The current issue of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all procedures at meetings not otherwise covered by, but not inconsistent with, the Bylaws.